What if artists composed music for a better world?
Audible Approaches For A Better Place
Haus der Kulturen der Welt,
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10 10557 Berlin
Doors open 19:30 / Concert begins 20:00 (sharp!)
One evening with 10 live performances by:
Casper Clausen and Mads Brauer (of EFTERKLANG) feat. Karim Ghahwagi
Christian Löffler
Eliad Wagner
Gold Panda
Glitterbug and Ronni Shendar feat. Enas Massalha
Jasmina Maschina
John Kameel Farah
and very special surprise guests (to be revealed in May!)
c.sides asked ten diverse artists (and bands) to create new works, all sharing one goal:
to make a humble contribution toward making this world a better, more just and beautiful place!
Artists had full freedom in their creative process. We provided only general guidelines to participating artists regarding the project’s concept and an intended timeframe of ten to fifteen minutes for each piece, in order to allow the artists to develop an idea beyond the limitations of a ‘regular track.’ We also encouraged artists to work with different musical means than they usually would!
This is an artistic experiment we have wanted to do for a very long time. It is a personal reaction to the overwhelming global and local injustices, catastrophes and troubles, and stems from a slightly naïve, yet sincere belief that art, in its essence, can be a political act and path to changing the world. The idea is self-critical and self-deprecating, yet genuine and heartfelt: to create something beautiful and thoughtful, to dedicate a bit of our creative time to pondering the world and our role in it.
And the results? Probably our most beautiful production yet!
And, it will take place on one of Berlin’s best sounding stages: the large auditorium at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt.
It has been an amazing experience for us to see the pieces come together, miraculously corresponding with one another and with our own individual works. And we don’t think anyone should miss out on this event.
One first step to making this world a better place is that entry costs only 8 Euros at the door, and 5 Euros for those eligible for discount!!!
A Second step is that a (double CD) release under the same title (Audible Approaches for a Better Place) will be released on the c.sides Label in September featuring all the works of all participating artists. The release will already be available for purchase on May 12th for those who attend the event. Yep, that’s 4 months before the official release date!
This evening is part of the HKW Lokal program, as part of the ÜBER LEBENSKUNST initiative, more info here.